Private Reformer Pilates for Pregnancy in Clifton, Bristol

Experience a personalised Private Pregnancy Reformer Session in our exclusive MOHIITO studio in Clifton, Bristol. The Reformer offers gentle yet effective resistance, focusing on core strength, flexibility and overall well-being during this transformative time.


Benefits of Reformer Pilates in Pregnancy:

  • Gentle and Safe: Our certified instructors ensure each session is adapted to your unique needs and stage of pregnancy.

  • Core Strengthening: Target core muscles to support the changing dynamics of your body during pregnancy.

  • Posture Improvement: Address common postural changes associated with your pregnancy for comfort and optimal alignment.

  • Pelvic Floor Awareness: Learn exercises essential for pelvic floor strength, vital for a healthy pregnancy and postpartum recovery.

  • Mind-body Connection: Promote relaxation, reduce stress and nurture a deep connection between your body and mind.


What to Expect in a Private Session:

These one-to-one sessions are tailored towards your individual needs and are a fantastic way to prepare for birth and beyond. Here’s what you can expect:

  • 1. Personalised approach: Your instructor will deliver tailored sessions based on your individual needs and experience with pregnancy.

    2. Comfortable Environment: Experience the joy of a private Pilates studio in Clifton, equipped with modifications for your comfort.

    3. Expert Guidance: Our certified instructors bring expertise in both Pilates and prenatal fitness, providing guidance aligned with the latest safety guidelines for pregnancy exercise.


FAQs about Pregnancy Reformer Pilates:

Q: When is it safe to start Reformer Pilates during Pregnancy?

A: With your doctor’s approval, you can generally start prenatal Reformer Pilates in your first trimester. Our instructors will adapt sessions as your pregnancy progresses.

Q: Is Reformer Pilates safe for all stages of pregnancy?

A: Yes, our instructors tailor sessions to your specific stage of pregnancy, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.

Q: Do I need prior Pilates experience?

A: No prior experience is necessary. Our sessions are designed for all fitness levels, including beginners.  


Get in Touch and Arrange a Session:


Ready to experience the transformative benefits of Private Reformer Pilates during your pregnancy?


Reach out to us at to schedule a complimentary consultation. Following your consultation, we’ll create a series of Private Reformer Pilates sessions tailored to your unique needs.


All you need to know about MOHIITO credits


Your First Reformer Pilates Class: What to Expect and Embrace